Monday, March 23, 2009

So It Begins...

This week was the start of real development on the Devcathlon system. We were divided up into 2 teams with my team being in charge of Matches and Scoreboard. We decided our goal for the milestone was the development some mockups. We had a meeting on Saturday where we divided up tasks. I was tasked with the Match main page and the Match's browse submenu since they were similar.

For both of those pages I created tables filled with some match info. I created Previous and Next links so that in the future a user can go through pages of matches. I implemented all the links and info in the tables in Wicket. This way I can have some idea of how I would implement additional features on the Wicket side.

Checkstyle complained about having whitespace after } when I was using for:
add(...) {

so I made a change to it so it now looks like this:
add(...) {
It looks a bit more awkward and if a programmer in Eclipse used Source->Format it will revert back to the original format.

In the end I made 3 commits, added code to the and packages. There must be something wrong with the sensor because even though I have spent time in Eclipse my current DevTime is N/A.

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