Friday, October 24, 2008

Everyone's A Critic

This week began the review phase of our project. Everyone was tasked with looking over each others' code and making comments to it. For our project Aric took a look at our xml files and noted that we had the wrong project name in a few of them. He also suggested changing the login and getInfo method in to abstract which I took into consideration. He stated that there were several JavaDoc comments that had flimsy description so we expanded them. Two reviewers commented that we hard coded the login and password for I guess I forgot to change that after I changed how arguments are passed in Philip noted we had @Ignore in our test cases, which we only added to pass Two reviewers noted our argument for specifying the library was different from the standard so I changed that. Ancheta suggested we turn the Lender class into a interface because we only had print statements in there but we prefer to keep it as a superclass so that we could use it later in the future for nonspecified library methods. The only two individuals who didn't make a comment was Flestado and Sanchez.

For my reviews I was tasked with the red, silver, and gold teams. For gold I was tasked with looking at the JavaDoc comments. I made a comment for the because their parameter descriptions was gibberish. For red I was tasked with looking at the main method
where I didn't see any problems. For silver I was tasked with looking at,,, and the testing suite. I made a suggesting to have toString in to return both the book title and due date. I also suggested dropping the toString in because it does the same thing as getUserID.

The act of posting comments to the code in Google Project Hosting was awkward for me because in order to have the "Publish Comments" appear I had to add a comment and save, refresh the page, and add the comment again. Looking at other groups code gave me alot of ideas that I would like to incorporate into my group's code. Probably the work that needs to get done the most is in the test cases. Next time I would probably clarify that it's alright to look at code outside the reviewer's main task. I would probably do the same to the tasks assigned to me.

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