Mockup 5 doesn't change much from Mockup 2. The only real difference is some slight changes in layout and addition of pages. Also pages were removed due to the expected tight integration with Hackystat.
The My Profile needs to be better laid out. The tables are arranged awkwardly. There are tables that are misaligned and there is empty white space on the page where the tables could fill up. Information on the leveling system should be in the FAQ. It's slightly difficult to figure out that Level and Rank link to that information.
On the Achievement page the icons need to standardized. Right now they are different sizes and shapes making them difficult to use them for the gamer card. There also needs to be better achievement point distributions. Not all the achievements should have the same amount of points. The color scheme for achieved and unattained should probably use some work.
The team profile needs to show an example with more than 1 project. It's also a little awkward for the match details to be in both the team profile page and the match page. The details should probably be dropped from the team profile page leaving only a link to a match details page.
At the end of the My Matches page there is the text (see entire match list). That will probably be used to show/hide additional matches. Maybe if there are too much matches to be displayed a page system could be implemented that allows a user to browse through pages of matches. This can also be applied to other areas of the site that has too much info being listed. There are 2 redundant links to My Matches in the drop down menu.
One of the stronger feature of this build is the inclusion of personal info in the profile page. The My Matches page is nicely set up but there might be issues further down the road. The leveling system is easy to understand although there appears to be an number error between senior and graduate. One of the weaker parts of this mockup is the layout in the profile page. The location of match details need to be resolved. Also there needs to be more info for matches such as in mymatches3.html.
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